Boys Soccer Registration

Please complete the form below. Required fields marked with an asterisk *

Deadline to register is Friday, February 21, 2025.

You will be contacted by the coach prior to the start of the season to go over practice/game schedules. Time commitment is 1-2 games per week with 1-2 60 min practice sessions. All games/practices will be after school. The season will begin in March. 

Transportation to athletics events is parent responsibility.

Athletic sponsorships are always welcomed. Please contact for sponsorship opportunities. Thank you for your support.

Parent/Guardian Emergency Contact
2nd Parent/Guardian Emergency Contact

Athletic/Extracurricular Activity Code of Conduct and Sportsmanship

Athletic/Extracurricular Activity participation can be one of the most significant formative experiences in a young person’s life. It gives a great deal of pleasure and builds friendships that can last for years. In our school, athletics and extracurricular activities are an integral part of the education program. Athletics/Extracurricular Activities teach fair play, sportsmanship, teamwork, perseverance and appreciation for improvement, desire to succeed and excel, self-discipline, responsibility, leadership and quick thinking.

Participation in interscholastic athletics and extracurricular activities is voluntary. It is a privilege, not a right, and carries with it the responsibilities of courtesy and sportsmanship on the playing field, on campus and in the community. Following this athletic/extracurricular activity code will aid you in building team morale, discipline, and spirit which makes the team. Therefore, you should take it upon yourself to become the very best athlete and team member possible, for you alone have the power to achieve or fail in these goals. It is recommended that all coaches and extracurricular activity supervisors apply the standards of this code while participating in the athletic and extracurricular activities programs of Temecula Valley Charter School.

I. CONDUCT The conduct of athletes and students involved in extracurricular activities are closely observed in many areas of life. It is important that one's behavior be above reproach in the following areas:

On the Field or at Public Venues Students must

• Refrain from using profanity.
• Be courteous and hospitable to visiting teams and families.
• Respect the integrity and judgment of officials and supervisors and accept their decisions.
• Be gracious in defeat and modest in victory.
• Control his/her temper and maintain his/her poise.

In the Classroom Students must

• Maintain prompt and regular attendance.
• Maintain his/her grades in accordance with TVCS, CIF when applicable, and District rules, when applicable
• Strive to become a good student and citizen.
• Show proper respect for faculty members and other students at all times.
• Not participate if suspended until suspension is over.

On Campus and in the Community Students must:

• Demonstrate a high standard of conduct as it reflects not only on oneself but one's team, coach and school.
• Maintain "good citizenship" by not being involved in any criminal activity

On Trips Students must:

• Demonstrate a high standard of conduct as representatives of the school, community, family, and coach.
• Respect the property of others
• Travel to and from athletic/extracurricular events, meets, shows, and contests on parent-volunteer provided transportation.
• Be released by coaches and/or supervisors to parent/guardian only.


Dress and grooming standards shall conform to TVCS regulations. Coaches may require that hair be restrained in an appropriate head covering, protective clothing be worn, and other grooming and dress standards that are more restrictive in order to insure compliance with necessary safety precautions.


TVCS students participating in athletics and/or extracurricular activities will refrain from the use of tobacco in any form, alcohol and other illegal drugs. This includes the illegal use of non-prescribed steroids and/or other performance enhancing substances. Proper diet and adequate sleep are equally important to the physical conditioning of an athlete.


Failure to abide by the foregoing regulations will result in disciplinary action by the coaches, athletic director, supervisors of extracurricular activities and administrators of the schools.

Violations of the letter or spirit of the Athletic/Extracurricular Code will result in one or more of the following penalties when recommended by the coach and athletic director with approval by the principal:

1. Placement on probation.
2. Removal from one or more of the next scheduled events.
3. Referral for assessment and/or treatment of any alcohol/drug violation, and/or criminal activity.
4. Removal from the team.
5. Forfeiture of participation, privileges or awards.


In order to participate in athletics and/or extracurricular activities. Students must demonstrate satisfactory educational progress in meeting the requirements for graduation. To encourage and support academic excellence, the Board requires students to earn a minimum 2.0 or "C” grade point average on a 4.0 scale in order to participate in athletics and extra/co-curricular activities.

Athletics and Extracurricular/Co-Curricular Activities

TVCS provides an opportunity for students to participate in a variety of interscholastic team sports including flag football, volleyball, basketball, golf, and soccer, as well as extracurricular activities, such as Show Choir. These are optional activities. Parents are invited and encouraged to volunteer to help as coaches or assistants. Periodic grade checks determine student eligibility to participate. Non-participating students and siblings must be accompanied by a supervising adult to attend practices and/or games. TVCS will not provide supervision, nor assume any liability, for any non-participating students.

Offsite and Onsite Athletics/Extracurricular/Co-Curricular and Enrichment Activities and Opportunities TVCS offers a multitude of offsite enrichment opportunities which reinforce and enrich our curriculum. Our extensive field trip program is part of what makes TVCS unique. TVCS requests the assistance of our parent volunteers in order to provide these wonderful experiences for our children. Our goal is make each trip a safe and meaningful experience for everyone involved.

Overnight field trips for athletics and/or Extracurricular Activities are optional and are at parent expense. Field trips for Athletics/Extracurricular Activities may sometimes be coordinated by TVCS.

All students are required to have a signed parent permission slip, waiver, and release of liability.

Permission Slips:

● TURN YOUR PERMISSION SLIPS IN ON TIME! It is ESSENTIAL that the coordinator has ALL slips by the due date to be able to organize drivers, seating arrangements, order tickets, etc. Late permission slips can cost extra money or result in cancelled event if there is not enough time to make the necessary arrangements.
● Parents are required to sign and return a permission slip including any fees due one week prior to the event and for each event the student participates. Students without signed permission slips will not be allowed to attend. An alternative classroom placement will be made for the duration of the field trip.
● Overnight trips often require additional paperwork. A due date for all forms and fees will be provided and must be followed.

Field Trip Driver requirements are the same as those outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook:

● DMV record and a copy of state required automobile insurance with a minimum amount of coverage for medical payments in the amount of $5,000, and minimum liability coverage of $100,000/$300,000.
● All paperwork must be turned in to the office at least 1 week in advance of the event for review and approval.
● All information must be available and updated upon request of TVCS and a minimum of once yearly.
● Ensure that all students use their seat belts at all times. Children under the age of 8 or under 4’9” must ride in a booster seat.
● Obey all the traffic regulations and RESTRICT YOUR CELL PHONE CALLS FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY.
● For long distance field trips, students may be allowed to call to let parents know the estimated return time. All student cell phones will be in driver possession while on field trips.
● Drivers and TVCS employees will not be liable for any lost, stolen or damaged cell phones while on field trips.
● No student will sit in the front seat of a vehicle while on a field trip unless they are a middle school student and their parent is driving the vehicle.
● Arrive prepared for the entire trip. Drivers must arrive 15 minutes prior to departure to receive any special instructions. Do not stop for gasoline, lunch, or any other personal errands along the route to or from the destination. If there should be a problem in the vehicle or on the field trip, please inform the athletic director, coach, or event supervisor.
● You must stay on the predetermined route. Drivers will caravan to and from the event for safety purposes.
● Any person wanting to drive only their own child must apply for a waiver to be approved by the Waiver Committee at least two weeks in advance of the field trip. Approval of this waiver does not guarantee admission into the venue.
● No siblings, additional family members, or friends are allowed on field trips.
● The number of chaperones will be determined by the teacher and field trip coordinator when reviewing the adult to child ratio for each trip. Once the number of chaperones needed is determined and chaperones assigned, additional chaperones will not be permitted to attend.
● Only those persons approved to chaperone are permitted to attend.

Athletic competition and participation in extracurricular activities or interscholastic age children should be fun and should also be a significant part of a sound educational program. Everyone involved in sports programs has a duty to assure that their programs impart important life skills and promote the development of good character. Essential elements of character building are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core ethical values: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship. The highest potential of sports is achieved when all involved consciously Teach, Enforce, Advocate, and Model (T.E.A.M.) these values and are committed to the ideal of pursuing victory with honor. Parents/guardians of student-athletes and extracurricular activity participants can and should play an important role. Their good-faith efforts to honor the words and spirit of this Code can dramatically improve the quality of a child’s sports and extracurricular activity.


• Trustworthiness – Be worthy of trust in all you do.
• Integrity – Live up to high ideals of ethics and sportsmanship and encourage players to pursue victory with honor. Do what’s right even when it’s unpopular or personally costly.
• Honesty – Live honorably. Don’t lie, cheat, steal, or engage in any other dishonest conduct.
• Reliability – Fulfill commitments. Do what you say you will do.
• Loyalty – Be loyal to the school and the team. Put the interests of the team above your child’s personal glory.


• Respect – Treat all people with respect at all times and require the same of your student-athletes.
• Class – Teach your child to live and play with class and be a good sport. He/She should be gracious in victory and accept defeat with dignity, compliment extraordinary performance, and show sincere respect in pre-and post-game rituals.
• Disrespectful conduct – Don’t engage in disrespectful conduct of any sort including profanity, obscene gestures, offensive remarks of a sexual nature, trash-talking, taunting, boastful celebrations, or other actions that demean individuals or the sport/activity.
• Respect for Officials – Treat game officials with respect. Don’t complain or argue during or after events.


• Role modeling – remember, participation in sports or extracurricular activities is a privilege, not a right.
Parents/Guardians, too, should represent the school, coach and teammates with honor, on and off the court/field. Consistently exhibit good character and conduct yourself as a positive role model.
• Self-Control – Exercise self-control. Don’t fight or show excessive displays of anger or frustration.
• Healthy Lifestyle – Promote to your child the avoidance of all illegal or unhealthy substances including alcohol, tobacco, drugs and some over-the-counter nutritional supplements, as well as unhealthy techniques to gain, lose or maintain weight.
• Integrity of the Game – Protect the integrity of the game.


• Fairness and Openness – Live up to high standards of fair play. Be open-minded, always willing to listen and learn.


• Caring Environment – Consistently demonstrate concern for student-athletes as individuals and encourage them to look out for one another and think and act as a team.


• Spirit of the Rules – Honor the spirit and the letter of rules. Teach your children to avoid temptations to gain competitive advantage through improper gamesmanship techniques that violate the highest traditions of sportsmanship.