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TVCS Mission and Vision Statements
Mission Statement
Temecula Valley Charter School is an alliance of parents, educators, and community members dedicated to providing a kindergarten through eighth grade family-centered atmosphere which endeavors to create a dynamic learning environment that meets or exceeds California State Standards and where all students can discover, experience, and celebrate their own worth. Temecula Valley Charter School will promote the growth of each child’s character, knowledge, and understanding of themselves and their relationship to the world.
Temecula Valley Charter School will provide an innovative and enriching educational environment expecting all those involved in the learning community to grow and achieve academically, emotionally, socially, and artistically in order to promote personal excellence.
Partnership for Family Involvement in Education (PFIE) best describes the role and impact of parental involvement:
“It has become increasingly evident that parental involvement in education contributes to students’ achievement in school. When families are involved in children’s learning, at school and at home, everyone benefits – schools work better, families become closer, and students improve academically. For these reasons, families and schools across America are partnering up to take mutual responsibility for children’s learning.”
The TVCS vision and mission allows students, parents, and staff to know each other on a personal level. Our hands-on learning is a strategy that centers on opportunities for students to “think,” “build,” and “create” to reinforce educational concepts. All students receive instruction in Spanish, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Physical Education, Computer Technology, and participate in hands-on experiments in the Science Lab on a weekly basis.
TVCS is unique in that parents conceptualized and established this school on their own. Parental involvement is pivotal in the success of our school. TVCS encourages parents to participate in the classroom, on field trips, on committees and on the governing board, extending their talents and time to enrich the education of TVCS students. This is what makes us “different” from other neighborhood schools.
Superintendent's Message
Dear Cougar Family,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are thrilled to welcome our new students and families to the TVCS Cougar Family. For our returning families, we are excited to see you and catch up with you and your students. My family had some brief opportunities to vacation over the summer. I would like to say that the time was restful, but we spent most of it dodging a tropical storm and a hurricane! As a parent, I am excited (and also a little sad) that this year both my children will be in high school! Where does time go?
This school year brings a renewed commitment to academic rigor and school engagement as we focus on showcasing our students’ commitment to academic excellence. As we move into our 31st year as a charter school, we are pleased to offer our students 9 interscholastic competitive sports, academic competition teams, clubs, after school enrichment opportunities and extensive opportunities in the visual and performing arts.
At TVCS, we are family! We look forward to sharing with you in our many “big” family events including Bookies and Cookies, Family Math and Science Night, Parent Education nights, and TVCS Has Heart, just to name a few! We also regularly celebrate family time together with early morning coffee trucks, after school treats and “Family Night Outs” at some of our favorite eating places! We will also continue to celebrate our favorite TVCS traditions such as Trunk or Treat, field trips, and grade-level events such as our Egypt Faire and Teddy Bear Picnic.
Our new school year also brings with it the anticipation of the next steps in our new school campus (just across the street)! Although construction timelines can always change, groundbreaking is scheduled for January 2025.
We encourage you as parents and members of our Cougar family to actively participate in fundraising, volunteering and attending theater, sports, and educational events! There is an opportunity for everyone and working together we will truly be “A School Family for Your Family”.
Looking forward to a wonderful year,
Dr. Plaxton-Hennings