Temecula Valley Charter

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How to access the Big Ideas Math Book

**The easiest way to access the online math book and resources is through the TVCS Clever app.  Clever can be accessed through the TVCS Homepage.  
I have posted a video explaining how to access the eBook and the videos offered through the online eBook! 
I have also posted links to the free online resources with written directions for how to navigate those websites.
If you have any questions, please email me :)

Optional access to videos for the math lesson:

Use the link I provided on this webpage and it will take you to a page with a drop-down menu.  Choose the following from the drop-down menu:
"Common Core Middle School 2017"
Then choose the textbook that matches your child's class textbook.
Then go to the bottom of the page to choose the Chapter, Lesson, and example.
NOTE: this link works best on a PC or laptop computer.